Thursday, April 21, 2005

My company held a poker afternoon yesterday to celebrate our 5th birthday. We went to a poker club called Gutshot, were given £5 each and then taught how to play. I've never played poker before in my life and started out thinking my poker experience was going to last 30 minutes after losing hand after hand. Somehow, though, I hung on - and ended up in the final nine prizewinners (out of 40 people) then the final 8,7, 6... In the end it was just me and Giles, battling it out, hearts thumping, mouths dry. At one point I had such a huge stack of chips that I couldn't concentrate - I just wanted to sit and count them. And perhaps it was this lack of concentration, or bad luck, or fear, but he beat me. I still won £58 though. And the adrenaline! My God. I felt like I'd climbed a mountain afterwards. Fantastic stuff.

We get the keys to our house today. More news of that to follow.


At 11:08 AM, Blogger Mark said...

Yes, well, I glossed over that... I was only given 6000 chips, and I was going to buy them anyway.


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